Very Little Movement after Week 1


DES MOINES: Week 2 Power Rankings 

By Kelly Burton | Des Moines League Coordinator  

1. Team Ball

Have to leave them as the number-one team until someone can knock them off the top. Tested last week, but overcoming a two-point halftime deficit battle through to get the victory. Bill Hiskey went out recruiting for two big men Zach Allmon and Blake Miller to go along with the returning nucleus of the team which balances the all around team dynamic. 

2. Inter Ballers

The strongest scoring backcourt Derrick Beechum and Javier Valdez in the league got even stronger with the addition of John Lamb and Kyle Siberz. Interballers love to get out and run the floor which makes it hard to keep up with them. Will the lack of size inside hurt them in close games? Mike Caron is the man in the middle.

3. Life Time Ballers

Holds onto the number-three spot even though they didn’t play last week. Going by who they have returning on their roster from the previous seasons. Mark Phillips, Taylor Newland, Mel Stocker, and Derrick Switzer to go along with new players Luke Devenney and Judd Harold will be a very solid team.

4. Falcons

Giving number-one Team Ball all they had last week showed that they can play against anyone and won’t back down from a challenge. The very balanced team of guards Curran Ingram, James Preston and Jeff Hoyt to go along with big men Mhiyu Thomas, Eric Spencer, and Adam Trowitch makes this team a tough match up for anybody.

5. BBB

Struggled their first night out last week as it was the first time a lot of them had met, let alone played together. Some haven’t played since high school and were a bit rusty. I won’t mention the free throw air ball by Michael Mahanna to prove that point. Trent Gavin and Michael Mahanna have both said they will bounce back and be a factor this season.

This looks like it will be a very competitive season and don’t think any team can come not ready to play. Good luck to everyone and enjoy the season. Please reach out to me if you need anything.

Teddy L. MoonDes Moines, Iowa