EP 9: The Return of Jonathon "Hot Tub" Moore

In this week’s episode, we continue to look back on the UH league’s rich history and talk with the legends who played in the league's early days.

Jonathon "Hot Tub" Moore arrived like a comet in the UH world on May 10, 2007 as rookie in our Minnesota flagship league. Half basketball player, half entertainer, "Hot Tub" provided some of the most memorable moments on the court and off.

Moore's last Ultimate Hoops game was in September 2015. Since then, he's been reclusive to the UH world, rarely seen or heard from. But today, he's back.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, 6-time Gold Cup UH League Champion, Jonathon "Hot Tub" Moore!

This is a part of our new Facebook Live series hosted on our UH365 Facebook Group. Watch the video version on our YouTube channel.

Episode Notes

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